
Managing Indoor Air Quality 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1439870143

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Managing Indoor Air Quality 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1439870143

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  • 350 pages
  • Publisher: Fairmont Press; 5 edition (April 25, 2011)
  • Authors: H.E. Burroughs, Shirley J. Hansen
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1439870144
  • ISBN-13: 978-1439870143


Finding solutions to indoor air quality problems is often a complex, multifaceted endeavor. This practical desk reference serve as a guide and information resource – both on treating existing indoor air problems effectively – and on preventing costly IAQ problems from occurring in the first place. A single discipline approach unfortunately tends to narrow both the control and the treatments options. This book cuts across professions to offer those concerned with the total facility a broader, more comprehensive approach to managing indoor air quality and mitigating indoor air quality problems. The fifth edition is extensively updated and edited in response to the rapid pace of changes and advances in the IAQ industry.

This is the fifth edition of Managing Indoor Air Quality spanning the last 20 years. This alone is obvious proof that indoor air quality represents an important, growing, and changing issue. And yet, even in the face of this maturing technology, we face another set of quick and glib labels that are challenges to the building owner/manager.

”Sustainability” and the “Net-zero Energy Building.” It is my fear that in the passionate pursuit of these positive and lofty goals that, in their name, we will repeat the sins of the past three decades. That is when we created unacceptable indoor environments (Tight Building Syndrome) and simultaneously funded retirement programs for the legal profession—all in the name of “Energy Management.”

Upon further reflection, however, it is my sense that unlike in the 70s and 80s, IAQ is now more deeply engrained and integrated into the design/construct/manage building dynamic. I confess that we can unfortunately credit the legal profession for some of that progress. As testimony of this acceptance and integration, I give due credit to the work of ASHRAE in the development of their recently published guidance document, the Indoor Air Quality Design Guide. This document was sponsored by EPA and developed by a multidisciplinary team of volunteers (of which I am proud to have been a part) that represented the architecture, engineering, construction, IAQ practitioners, commissioning, and building operation perspectives. The body of their work is primarily in digital form and is a comprehensive, thorough, and detailed compendium of advanced best practices regarding the attainment and sustainment of acceptable indoor air quality.

Admittedly, there are voids in our knowledge base about IAQ, especially in the areas of human response; related adverse health effects in the present of trace airborne contaminants; and the interrelation of IAQ influencing factors. However, as evidenced by the ASHRAE IAQ Design Guide, we already know a great deal about creating and managing buildings that demonstrate acceptable indoor environments; that are sustainable with minimal ecological impact; and employ effective energy management tactics. The goal is to simply apply better and more consistently what we already know how to do.

The message to the building owner is to be familiar with fundamentals of IAQ and to be willing to consider and apply the benefits of, for example: integrated design; life-cycle cost decisions; enhanced filtration; commissioning; advanced ventilation strategies; moisture management; and thorough operation and maintenance practices.

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