Leadership and Management in Police Organizations, ISBN-13: 978-1483353173
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
- Series: NULL
- 448 pages
- Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 1 edition (October 21, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1483353176
- ISBN-13: 978-1483353173
Built on a foundation of nearly 1,200 references, Leadership and Management in Police Organizations is a highly readable text that shows how organizational theory and behavior can be applied to improve the operations, leadership, and management of law enforcement. Author Matthew J. Giblin emphasizes leadership and management as separate skills in successful police supervisors and executives, illustrating to students how the two skills combine to improve individual and organizational efficacy in policing. Readers will come away with a stronger understanding of why organizational decisions matter and the impact research can have on police departments.
Matthew J. Giblin is a professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He earned his doctorate in Criminal Justice from Indiana University in 2004. His primary research interest involves applying organizational theories to the study of criminal justice agencies. Specifically, he and his colleagues have tested contingency, resource dependence, and institutional theory explanations of police homeland security preparedness, community policing implementation, and crime analysis unit adoption.
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